Disabled button "Build and Load Application"

Tthe Instance view provides the button   (Build and Load Application) to build and load the application to the selected PLC. This command is not provided under certain circumstances. The following table gives you some clues to identify the cause and to find the solution quickly.

Displayed state information in "Instances" view



No information is displayed.

no PLC selected

Select the PLC (see under "Building and loading application onto PLC").

The text Offline is displayed under Connection state

no connection to the PLC or to the →Gateway

usual display

special characters in path

Exit Neuron Power Engineer. Change the path so that there are no special characters any longer. Restart Neuron Power Engineer.

The possibility to load the application in Neuron Power Engineer has been disabled.

Contact your system integrator. Ask him how to load the application instead.

Button   is provided after the appropriate solution.

More useful information: Cannot build or load application